按月归档: 11月 2008


主板: Jetway HA-02 / AMD 570X / SB600
CPU: AMD 5000+ BlackEdition(散热器 AVC冰河战士)
内存: Kingston 2G-800Mhz x 2 窄条
显卡: Unika HD3850 无极 700Mhz/2200mhz/512Mb
硬盘: WDC 640G/32M + Seagate 120G/8M + IBM 60G
光驱: LG GH20NS10 (20X / SATA / 锁码刻 / 光雕)
话筒: Hyundai CJC-M500
耳机: 森海塞尔 HD202 + Somic ST-1603(Cmedia USB 3D 5.1 声卡)
声卡: 德国坦克 Xfire 1723
键盘: Logitech 黑珍珠
鼠标: SteelSeries Ikari Laser (3200CPI)
鼠标垫: Razer Mantis 细面
手柄: 北通游戏手柄 震动3
摄像头: 杂牌免驱500W像素
电源: 大水牛 劲睿600(定功率500W)
显示器: BenQ E2200 HDA(21.5" Full HD 1080p 1920*1080)

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Read: 789

Amarok Wiki: How to change the audio output to.

How can I change where the audio is output to?

Using xine’s ALSA output pluggin, you can output to a specific device (or all devices).

Finding the names of your cards

Find out the name of your soundcards with the command:
cat /proc/asound/cards
In the example below, the first card (card 0) is called "Live" and the second card (card 1) called "Headset":
oliver@panda:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards
0 [Live ]: EMU10K1 - SBLive! Value [CT4832]
SBLive! Value [CT4832] (rev.8, serial:0x80271102) at 0xd000, irq 5
1 [Headset ]: USB-Audio - Logitech USB Headset
Logitech Logitech USB Headset at usb-0000:00:04.2-2, full speed

Using a specific soundcard: method 1

Enter the word "plughw:" and the name of your card in the box labelled "device used for stereo output:" in the xine-engine configuration tab. For example:

Alternatively, I had to use this entry to make my USB headphones work.


Using a specific soundcard: method 2

Set up an ~/.asoundrc (user only) or /etc/asound.conf (system wide) file that aliases your hardware devices, and then insert that alias in the "device used for stereo output:" box in the xine-engine configuration tab. Alternatively, you can directly enter the alsa device (hw:0,0 or hw:1,0 and so on). If you choose this latter (alternate) method, be aware that ALSA’s corresponding plugfoo (e.g. plughw:0,0 or plughw:1,0 and so on) routing through alsa-lib is much preferred.
Here is a sample ~/.asoundrc for a machine that has an onboard Intel AC97 codec and a usb-audio device:
pcm.intel8x0 {
type plug
slave.pcm "hw:0"

ctl.intel8x0 {
type hw
card 0

pcm.usb-audio {
type plug
slave.pcm "hw:1"

ctl.usb-audio {
type hw
card 1

now enter "usb-audio" in the xine-engine setup screen and output should go to the usb-audio device (with alsa-lib properly handling sample rate conversion, channels, and so on).

Using all your soundcards at once

This example allows Amarok to play music through all your sound devices at the same time.

1. Copy the following text into the file ~/.asoundrc (change ‘Live’ and ‘Headset’ to the names of your sound devices – or you can just use the card numbers ‘0’ and ‘1’):
# This creates a 2-channel interleaved pcm stream based on
# two 2-channel slave devices.

pcm.both {
type route;
slave.pcm {
# create a virtual 4-channel device from two sound devices
type multi;
slaves.a.pcm "plughw:Live";
slaves.a.channels 2;
slaves.b.pcm "plughw:Headset";
slaves.b.channels 2;
bindings.0.slave a;
bindings.0.channel 0;
bindings.1.slave a;
bindings.1.channel 1;
bindings.2.slave b;
bindings.2.channel 0;
bindings.3.slave b;
bindings.3.channel 1;

# Map two channels of input to four channels of output
ttable.0.0 1;
ttable.1.1 1;
ttable.0.2 1;
ttable.1.3 1;

# Some programs will be unhappy if there is no mixer to talk to,
# so we set this to one of the cards.
# This could be any card (Headset or Live in this example).

ctl.both {
type hw;
card Headset;
2. Save the .asoundrc file and restart Amarok.
3. Edit the box labelled "device used for stereo output:" in the xine-engine configuration tab so it reads:

Other tips

To use a dmixed virtual device, ensure that the "sound card can do mmap" checkbox is unchecked.


Read: 930


最近机器老出毛病,还以为是硬盘问题,没想到居然是电压。。。。囧。。。不过硬盘也是比较老啦,空间也老不够,看现在价格挺不错赶紧入手个 西部数据 640G/32M 的用用

在鼎好3层买的 530,比较亏,性能上比16M缓存的没什么优势,价格贵了70块,这个32M比较不值,不过当时16的已经没货了,懒得到周一再跑一趟,就干脆买下了。

再放个HD TUNE的测试数据


然后又买了两条 金士顿 2G/DDR2 800Mhz 的窄条, 真够窄的,就插槽两边的卡子那么高点。。。很好玩。。呵。。。


windows xp 32bit的在我机器上只能识别出3.25G的内存,这是早就预料到的,本想把多于的内存用RamDisk做内存盘放一些临时数据什么的,结果我装上RamDisk之后居然没发现别人截图里的那些功能。。。实在令人很囧。。。有时间还是把我Linux装上吧。。。不过也还是得弄pae的内核呢。。。

顺便牢骚一下,我们这片的电压是那个低啊。。。特别现在快入冬了,好多人都在开那电热取暖器,下班回家后电脑都开不了了,我刚买的个UPS 输入电压要求是165V,结果都达不到 不工作。。。。算起来还没我的机箱电源强大,有时候我都开机在运行了,丫还是不能正常使用市电模式,烂死了,明天得去换个稳压器好了。。。



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