Arch Linux 哲学
Arch Linux背后的哲学,也是开发者遵循的原则就是“简单”。事实上,也就是“保持简单”。开发者们希望由于用复杂的方式做简单的事情浪费大量时间。 这就是为什么Arch的所有配置都是通过修改配置文件来完成的原因,也是为什么只有最新的系统被提供支持的原因。这也是下面将要提到的一些问题的最终决定的理由。
作为一个发行版,Arch Linux没有必要作许多事情,但是她将她需要做的事情做得很好。一个发行版的作用并不是提供软件包--发行版所必须要提供的是一个软件包管理系统。Arch 再这方面是优秀的。她给你提供了二进包的管理工具 pacman ,也提供了源码创建软件包的 ABS。Arch提供了简单而强大的启动例程和初始化脚本。除了这些,许多的配置工作都留给了软件开发者。如果开发者开发的软件是独立运行于一个单独的目录下的话,这个软件就被放在/opt下面。如果这个软件是要被其它软件共享的,它就被放置在/usr下。这就是Arch软件包打包的方式。这样无论是对开发者还是对用户都可以保持一切简单化。如此,那些你要配置或使用到的文件被放置在程序文档中说明的地方,而不是发行版说的他们“应该”在的地方。
方法是使用pacman安装所有的软件包,除非没有这个软件包,你可以自己制作自己的软件包。我们希望你用pacman -Syu
The Arch Way
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The following four principles comprise what is commonly referred to as the Arch Way, or the Arch Philosophy, best summarized by the acronym KISS for Keep It Simple, Stupid.
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Many GNU/Linux distributions define themselves as “simple”. However, simplicity itself has many definitions.
Arch Linux defines simplicity as a lightweight base structure without unnecessary additions, modifications, or complications, that allows an individual user to shape the system according to their own needs. In short; an elegant, minimalist approach.
A lightweight base structure does not mean that the base system is small. Rather, the base system is devoid of all clutter that may obscure important parts of the system, or make access to them difficult or convoluted. It has a streamlined set of configuration files that are arranged for quick access and editing, with no cumbersome graphical configuration tools that tend to hide possibilities from the user. An Arch Linux system is therefore readily configurable to the very last detail.
On the other hand, Arch Linux keeps the inherent complexities of a GNU/Linux system intact, while exposing them to the user at the same time. Arch Linux developers and users believe that trying to hide the complexities of a system actually results in an even more complex system, and is therefore to be avoided.
Code-correctness over convenience
The Arch Linux system places precedence upon elegance of design, rather than unnecessary automation or "user-friendliness".
Simplicity, elegance, code-correctness and minimalism shall always remain the reigning priorities of Arch development.
Concepts, designs and features are generated and implemented by using the Arch Way principles as a guide, rather than bowing to external influences. The development team are resolute in their commitment to the Arch Way philosophy.
Openness goes hand in hand with simplicity, and is also one of the guiding principles of Arch Linux development.
Arch Linux uses simple tools, that are selected or built with openness of the sources and their output in mind.
While openness may be overwhelming to many new GNU/Linux users, experienced Arch Linux users find it welcoming and practical. It removes all boundaries between the user and the system, giving users more control over the system, while simultaneously simplifying system maintenance.
The open nature of Arch Linux also implies a fairly steep learning curve, but experienced Arch Linux users tend to find the other more closed systems much more difficult to control.
The Openness principle extends to its community members as well. Arch Linux users are known to be very open with help and advice, as well as with package contributions to the community maintained Arch User Repository.
Whereas many GNU/Linux distributions attempt to be more ‘user-friendly’, Arch Linux has always been, and will always remain ‘user-centric’.
Arch Linux targets and accommodates competent GNU/Linux users by giving them full, and only full, control over the system.
Arch Linux users fully manage the system on their own. The system itself will offer little assistance, except for a simple set of maintenance tools that are designed to perfectly relay the user’s commands to the system.
The user-centric design also implies a certain “do it yourself” approach. Rather than requesting a new feature be implemented by developers, Arch Linux users have a tendency to solve problems themselves and share the results with the community and development team — a "Do first, then ask" philosophy. This is especially true for user-contributed packages found in the Arch User Repository — the official Arch Linux repository for community-maintained packages.
Another guiding principle of Arch Linux development is freedom of choice. The users are not only permitted to make all decisions concerning system configuration, but also get to choose what their system will *be*.
By keeping the system simple, Arch Linux provides the freedom to make any choice about the system.
A freshly installed Arch Linux system contains only basic core components with no automatic configuration performed. Users are able to configure the system as they wish, from the CLI. Right from the start of the installation procedure, every component of the system is 100% transparent and accessible for instant removal or replacement by alternative components.
The large number of packages in the various Arch Linux repositories also support freedom of choice. Further, in comparison to other GNU/Linux distributions, the process of creating a new package is itself a simple, open, user-centric, and free process. New packages can be created easily with a little knowhow using the Arch Build System (ABS).
As Judd Vinet, the founder of the Arch Linux project said: "[Arch Linux] is what you make it."
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